Saturday 9 February 2013

HVOB - Jack

Single review by

If you missed our review of previous single 'Dogs' then we should inform you that HVOB stands for Her Voice Over Boys, but it's the initials the duo use, not the full name. Based in Vienna, the pair are currently preparing for the release of their self-titled debut album on March 8th and are releasing the innovative house/electro/pop collage of 'Jack' as their new single, along with this strangely abstract black and white video involving clouds and a pattern of lines that form in time to the music. It's an odd one, but mesmerising nonetheless.

Musically the song is fairly minimal; you could maybe use the word stark, especially for the first half. As it progresses more sounds are added including what sounds like many percussion instruments but these could just as easily be the work of a computer/synthesizer, it matters little, the effect is the same. In terms of variety there is no verse/chorus/verse formation, this is very much a solid piece of music. It has a beginning and an end and what exists in between doesn't follow any rule book. 'Jack' is a bleak track, but oddly warm with it.

HVOB's website

Pre-order the single

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